The Mind Manual » Video Folder: Thoughts & Beliefs

6 videos
  • How to deal with criticism in a constructive way
    The Mind Manual by The Mind Manual 227 0 0
    Criticism is something we spend a lifetime trying to avoid. It keeps us hiding and playing small and we end up not being our authentic self for fear we may be judged and criticized. This is the primal part of us responding this way, it's that part of our brain which is concerned with survival. The threat of not belonging means isolation from the pack and when we sit on the fringes of the herd in having been cast out, we're vulnerable to prey. So it's going to be this natural default primal response that induces the fear and anxiety around judgement and criticism. Secondary to this is the need for our ego or false identity we've created for ourselves to come to the rescue and protect us. When someone is in a position where they criticize or judge you, this part of us thinks that unless we step in to defend ourselves, then our status and worthiness as a person is under question …which places them in an attack position…. which we feel must be defended or otherwise we're condemned to being less than or unworthy…which is going to be too painful for most of us to identify with…. and so we feel the need to do whatever we must to avoid this outcome.
    227 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • How to overcome the tendency of seeking approval
    The Mind Manual by The Mind Manual 222 0 0
    In this session I want to talk about this tendency we have in wanting to seek approval and winning the favour of others….which is driving so many of our behaviours and in particular the social revolution. As young children, we're brought up in a world where we are very much conditioned and trained into a hierarchy of seeking permission…. for almost everything. We learn how to follow directions and take orders, we get rewarded for being good and doing all the right things or otherwise we risk being punished if we don't…. and on and on it goes. It's a continuous process where nearly everything we do is met with permission or approval. And then we have another layer that sits on top of that… in what we go and make all that mean. For example, when we win the affection and receive accolades from our parents when our rankings or status goes up at school…it's going to be very easy to make that mean we're loved and approved of … which is nearly everything to a little person that relies so heavily on others for their survival.
    222 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • Running a belief audit
    The Mind Manual by The Mind Manual 185 0 0
    Today I want to encourage everyone to run a belief audit on an area of your life that isn't producing the results you would like or is generating a feeling within you that you don't like. We generally filter life through a lens of our beliefs. If we believe something to be true, our brain will tend to look for evidence to validate our view and so it becomes a focus for us. This function is carried out by the reticular activating system which connects the subconscious part of our mind with our conscious mind. It acts like a filter in our mind and controls the amount of unnecessary data that enters our field of consciousness. So we don't end up seeing the full picture, it is our version based on our beliefs.
    185 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • Unproductive thought patterns
    The Mind Manual by The Mind Manual 184 0 0
    In this session I want to take a look behind the thought patterns that consume so much of our time and energy ….only to leave us feeling exhausted and stressed out…. It's a loop we get stuck in, that's not only unproductive but depletes us in such a way that we end up wanting to quit on some level…. because it's simply not sustainable for us to continue on that way. If you can relate to this then you're most likely doing one of three things I've identified that cause us to get stuck in these unproductive thought patterns.
    184 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • A simple brain hack to change your whole experience
    The Mind Manual by The Mind Manual 194 0 0
    In this session we look at how creating an energy shift will completely alter your experience of a situation so that it aligns with the way you want to feel or show up. It's a simple and easy hack that can produce results for you in seconds.
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  • Unveiling the Mind's Filter of Confirmation Bias
    The Mind Manual by The Mind Manual 192 0 0
    Confirmation bias is a natural cognitive tendency that influences how we perceive and process information. It leads us to seek out, interpret, and remember information that confirms our existing beliefs, while disregarding contradictory evidence. This bias arises from our evolutionary development, helping us make quick decisions for survival, but it can hinder critical thinking and lead to distorted perceptions of reality. The challenge lies in our attachment to our beliefs, associating them with our identity and ego. Being proven wrong can be emotionally threatening, causing us to resist change and maintain our current beliefs. Overcoming confirmation bias requires conscious effort, self-awareness, and intellectual curiosity. By questioning our assumptions, seeking diverse perspectives, and cultivating empowering beliefs, we can break free from the confines of confirmation bias and open ourselves up to personal growth and transformative change.
    192 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • How to deal with criticism in a constructive way
    The Mind Manual by The Mind Manual 227 0 0
    Criticism is something we spend a lifetime trying to avoid. It keeps us hiding and playing small and we end up not being our authentic self for fear we may be judged and criticized. This is the primal part of us responding this way, it's that part of our brain which is concerned with survival. The threat of not belonging means isolation from the pack and when we sit on the fringes of the herd in having been cast out, we're vulnerable to prey. So it's going to be this natural default primal response that induces the fear and anxiety around judgement and criticism. Secondary to this is the need for our ego or false identity we've created for ourselves to come to the rescue and protect us. When someone is in a position where they criticize or judge you, this part of us thinks that unless we step in to defend ourselves, then our status and worthiness as a person is under question …which places them in an attack position…. which we feel must be defended or otherwise we're condemned to being less than or unworthy…which is going to be too painful for most of us to identify with…. and so we feel the need to do whatever we must to avoid this outcome.
    227 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • How to overcome the tendency of seeking approval
    The Mind Manual by The Mind Manual 222 0 0
    In this session I want to talk about this tendency we have in wanting to seek approval and winning the favour of others….which is driving so many of our behaviours and in particular the social revolution. As young children, we're brought up in a world where we are very much conditioned and trained into a hierarchy of seeking permission…. for almost everything. We learn how to follow directions and take orders, we get rewarded for being good and doing all the right things or otherwise we risk being punished if we don't…. and on and on it goes. It's a continuous process where nearly everything we do is met with permission or approval. And then we have another layer that sits on top of that… in what we go and make all that mean. For example, when we win the affection and receive accolades from our parents when our rankings or status goes up at school…it's going to be very easy to make that mean we're loved and approved of … which is nearly everything to a little person that relies so heavily on others for their survival.
    222 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • Running a belief audit
    The Mind Manual by The Mind Manual 185 0 0
    Today I want to encourage everyone to run a belief audit on an area of your life that isn't producing the results you would like or is generating a feeling within you that you don't like. We generally filter life through a lens of our beliefs. If we believe something to be true, our brain will tend to look for evidence to validate our view and so it becomes a focus for us. This function is carried out by the reticular activating system which connects the subconscious part of our mind with our conscious mind. It acts like a filter in our mind and controls the amount of unnecessary data that enters our field of consciousness. So we don't end up seeing the full picture, it is our version based on our beliefs.
    185 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • Unproductive thought patterns
    The Mind Manual by The Mind Manual 184 0 0
    In this session I want to take a look behind the thought patterns that consume so much of our time and energy ….only to leave us feeling exhausted and stressed out…. It's a loop we get stuck in, that's not only unproductive but depletes us in such a way that we end up wanting to quit on some level…. because it's simply not sustainable for us to continue on that way. If you can relate to this then you're most likely doing one of three things I've identified that cause us to get stuck in these unproductive thought patterns.
    184 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • A simple brain hack to change your whole experience
    The Mind Manual by The Mind Manual 194 0 0
    In this session we look at how creating an energy shift will completely alter your experience of a situation so that it aligns with the way you want to feel or show up. It's a simple and easy hack that can produce results for you in seconds.
    194 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • Unveiling the Mind's Filter of Confirmation Bias
    The Mind Manual by The Mind Manual 192 0 0
    Confirmation bias is a natural cognitive tendency that influences how we perceive and process information. It leads us to seek out, interpret, and remember information that confirms our existing beliefs, while disregarding contradictory evidence. This bias arises from our evolutionary development, helping us make quick decisions for survival, but it can hinder critical thinking and lead to distorted perceptions of reality. The challenge lies in our attachment to our beliefs, associating them with our identity and ego. Being proven wrong can be emotionally threatening, causing us to resist change and maintain our current beliefs. Overcoming confirmation bias requires conscious effort, self-awareness, and intellectual curiosity. By questioning our assumptions, seeking diverse perspectives, and cultivating empowering beliefs, we can break free from the confines of confirmation bias and open ourselves up to personal growth and transformative change.
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