Wellness Mama »

  • Posted 2024-09-06 07:00:14 by: Melinda King

    In my research into healthy alternatives to non-stick pots and pans, ceramic stood out. I’ve tried a few ceramic brands, and Xtrema cookware has become one of my absolute favorites. Not only is it beautiful, but it’s also practical and durable. Here’s why my Xtrema ceramic cookware set was well worth the investment for my […] Continue reading Xtrema Ceramic Cookware: Is it a Good ...

  • Posted 2024-09-05 08:23:38 by: Melinda King

    I’ve spent hours experimenting with organic hair care recipes like homemade conditioner and dry shampoo. This time it was natural hair dye recipes. My family is used to my skincare experiments, but this one came with its fair share of laughs. I walked around with some concoction of herbs on my head for weeks! I’d […] Continue reading Natural Hair Dye Recipes (for Any Hair ...

  • Posted 2024-09-03 13:51:55 by: Melinda King

    This is a really easy slow-cooker salsa chicken recipe that makes a versatile meal. It tastes very similar to the chicken used in Mexican restaurants in their chicken taco salads. My kids eat it plain, but I like it on a large salad with avocado and sour cream! Crock pot salsa chicken has the flavors […] Continue reading Easy Crockpot Salsa ...

  • Posted 2024-08-30 13:00:00 by: Melinda King

    Bentonite clay: I brush my teeth with it, use it in deodorant, and I’ve even washed my hair with it! This unassuming clay has gained popularity for many reasons. Some love it for its natural origin. Others appreciate bentonite clay for skin, health challenges, and promoting overall wellness.  People have used clay for centuries to […] Continue reading Why Bentonite Clay is Amazing for ...

  • Posted 2024-08-29 15:07:21 by: Melinda King

    I try to hydrate and drink plenty of minerals (including salt water), but sometimes my skin needs a little more hydration. This aloe vera lotion softens dry skin and leaves skin feeling moisturized. It works great as a body lotion or a face lotion. Even better, it contains just a few simple ingredients! This moisturizing […] Continue reading Homemade Aloe Vera ...

  • Posted 2024-08-27 13:00:00 by: Melinda King

    Salmon is one of my go-to fishes for healthy, fast meal prep. One way we love to eat salmon is with these salmon rice bowls. It’s the perfect gluten-free dinner on a busy weeknight but I also like it for lunch. And with the honey lime sauce and the cilantro lime dressing, it’s packed with […] Continue reading Salmon Bowls With Cilantro Lime ...

  • Posted 2024-08-23 12:07:47 by: Melinda King

    In modern times, we’ve largely forgotten many traditional remedies. We know the health benefits of essential oils, but other ancient remedies are less well-known and may seem odd. Bentonite clay is one of these natural remedies that isn’t as widely known but is extremely effective. Mother Nature offers natural therapy all around us. Animals instinctively […] Continue reading Benefits of Bentonite Clay (& How to Use ...

  • Posted 2024-08-22 14:46:57 by: Melinda King

    I always like to keep certain supplements on hand this time of year, like vitamin C, and elderberry syrup. With all of the kid’s activities and traveling I do, we’re often exposed to germs. Propolis throat spray is a great (and tasty!) way to get some more immune support. I keep several bottles of propolis […] Continue reading DIY Propolis Throat ...

  • Posted 2024-08-20 13:41:45 by: Melinda King

    Perhaps you’ve noticed Nutella’s rapid rise in popularity in the last few years. Some variation of chocolate hazelnut spread has been popular in other parts of the world for hundreds of years. Thanks to increased marketing in the past decade, it’s gained popularity in the US too. According to Mental Floss, someone buys a jar of Nutella every […] Continue reading How to Make Healthy Homemade ...

  • Posted 2024-08-16 07:36:06 by: Melinda King

    If you’re like me, you grew up thinking that improper brushing, sugar consumption, and genetics were the only causes of bad teeth. Cavities and tooth decay meant a person needed to brush better and eat less sugar. And it certainly wasn’t possible to heal or remineralize teeth. Instead, dental fillings or fluoride treatments were the […] Continue reading How to Remineralize Teeth Naturally & Reverse Tooth ...