Business Help Center


Social Help Center


Market Help Center


Events Help Center


Crowd Help Center


How do I log in as my business?

One way to log in as your business is to click on your user icon (top right hand corner) and choose Login as Business from the drop down menu.

Another way is to go to the dashboard, select Business, then My Businesses, on the right hand side of your listed Business(es) click on the Login as Business option.

Why is my Business Menu missing items?

If your Business pop up Menu is only showing a few items, like below - 

You need to log in as your business for the full menu to appear.


How can I search a business?

From the dashboard click on "Business" then choose Business Home from the drop down menu. Type in the details of the business you are looking for and press search.

How do I create a new business?

From the dashboard, click on "Business" choose "Create a Business" from the menu.

How do I search the businesses I have followed?

From the dashboard click on "Business", then Business Home from the menu. In the business hub click on the "Directory" tab and choose the tab "My followed businesses"

How do I keep track of my business?

From the dashboard click on "Business", then Business Home from the menu. 

How can I edit my business details?

From the dashboard click on "Business", then Business Home from the menu. Click on "Manage" on the right hand side of the page and choose "Manage business" from the drop down menu

How do I list an item for sale within my business?

From the dashboard menu click on "Business" and select "My Businesses" from the menu. On the right hand side of the page click on "Create", then Sell an Item from the drop down list. Follow the prompts to set up a new sale item

How do I change my delivery method?

Log in as the business you want to manage. One way to do this is click on your user icon (top right hand corner) and choose Login as Business from the drop down menu,

Now from the dashboard when you select BUSINESS, more options are available. Select Seller Account Management - Business, and then Delivery Methods from the drop down menu.


How do I manage or assign member roles within my business?

Log in as your business.

From dashboard menu click on "Business" and select "Manage business modules" from the pop up menu. On the right hand side of the page select "Assign members to roles" or "Manage member roles" from the right hand side menu


How can I edit my Business contact form?

Log in as your business.

From dashboard menu click on "Business" and select "Manage business modules" from the pop up menu. On the right hand side of the page select "Manage contact form"

How can I edit my business albums/photos?

Log in as your business.

From dashboard menu click on "Business" and select "Manage business modules" from the drop down menu and click on "Upload photo" or "View photos"


How can I add or edit an Event for my business?

Log in as your business,

From dashboard menu click on "Business" and select "Manage business modules" from the pop up menu and click on "Add event" or "View events"

How can I add or edit a Poll for my business?

Log in as your business,

From dashboard menu click on "Business" and select "Manage business modules" from the pop up menu and click on "Add Poll" or "View Polls"

How can I create a Folder for my business?

Log in as your business,

From dashboard menu click on "Business" and select "Manage business modules" from the pop up menu and click on "Add Folder" or "View Folders"

How can I create a Flash sale for my business?

Log in as your business,

From dashboard menu click on "Business" and select "Manage business modules" from the pop up menu and click on "Add Deal" or "View Deals"

How can I create a Challenge for my business?

Log in as your business,

From dashboard menu click on "Business" and select "Manage business modules" from the pop up menu and click on "Add Challenge" or "View Challenge"

How can I create a Blog for my business?

Log in as your business,

From dashboard menu click on "Business" and select "Manage business modules" from the pop up menu and click on "Add Blog" or "View Blogs"

How can I create a Classified for my business?

Log in as your business,

From dashboard menu click on "Business" and select "Manage business modules" from the pop up menu and click on "Add Classified" or "View Classifieds"

How can I create a Buy it now item for my business?

Log in as your business,

From dashboard menu click on "Business" and select "Manage business modules" from the pop up menu and click on "Add Listing" or "View  Listings"

How can I create or edit an Auction for my business?

Log in as your business,

From dashboard menu click on "Business" and select "Manage business modules" from the pop up menu and click on "Add Auction" or "View  Auctions"

How can I create or edit a product for my business?

Log in as your business,

From dashboard menu click on "Business" and select "Manage business modules" from the pop up menu and click on "Add Product" or "View  Products"

How can I create or edit a campaign for my business?

Log in as your business,

From dashboard menu click on "Business" and select "Manage business modules" from the pop up menu and click on "Add Campaign" or "View  Campaigns"

How can I create or edit a form for my business?

Log in as your business,

From dashboard menu click on "Business" and select "Manage business modules" from the pop up menu and click on "Add Form" or "View Forms"

How can I manage my business goals?

Log in as your business

From dashboard menu click on "Business" and select "Manage business modules" from the pop up menu. On the right hand side of the page click on "Manage Goals" and follow the prompts

How can I manage my privacy settings for my business?

Log in as your business.

From dashboard menu click on "Business" and select "Manage business modules" from the pop up menu. On the right hand side of the page click on "Manage Privacy Settings" and follow the prompts

How can I view my business statistics?

Log in as your business.

From dashboard menu click on "Business" and select "Manage business modules" from the pop up menu. On the right hand side of the page click on "Statistics"

How do I change my signature for my business?

Log in as your business.

From dashboard menu click on "Business" and select "Manage business modules" from the pop up menu. On the right hand side of the page scroll down and click on "Manage signature" and follow the prompts

How do I promote my business?

Log in as your business.

From dashboard menu click on "Business" and select "Manage business modules" from the pop up menu. On the right hand side of the page scroll down and click on "Promote This Business" and follow the prompts

How do I invite members to like my business?

Log in as your business.

From dashboard menu click on "Business" and select "Manage business modules" from the pop up menu. On the right hand side of the page, scroll down and click on "Invitation Link"

How do I check the contributions I have made?

Log in as your business.

From dashboard menu click on "Business" and select "Manage business modules" from the pop up menu. On the right hand side of the page scroll down and click on "My Contributions"

How do I transfer the owner of the business to someone else?

Log in as your business.

From dashboard menu click on "Business" and select "Manage business modules" from the pop up menu. On the right hand side of the page scroll down and click on "Transfer Owner"

How can I check who is a member of my business?

Log in as your business.

From dashboard menu click on "Business" and select "My business members" from the pop up menu.


How do I Manage or Create a business community?

Log in as your business.

From dashboard menu click on "Business" and select "My business communities" from the pop up menu.



Choose from "Create communities" or "Manage communities" and follow the prompts

How do I check my Business Transaction History?

Log in as your business. 

From the dashboard, click on BUSINESS, and then "Seller Account Management - Business"From the pop up menu, then select "Transaction History.



Log in as your business.

From the dashboard, click on BUSINESS, from the pop up menu select "Seller Account Management - Business", Then Paypal Email

How do I publish a business after its saved as a draft?

Once a business has been saved as a draft, you can publish it by clicking on the cog, then choosing manage business

From the bottom of the page you can select PUBLISH

How do I hide and show tabs inside my business?

Log into your business, click on the cog and choose dashboard. On the right hand side menu, select displayed tabs. Choose yes or no next to each item you want displayed or hidden, then click on save.