Hey there, welcome to the topic of self-discovery and appreciation—where it's all about you. I recently found myself at an unusual event, my niece's first holy communion. Now, my family isn't particularly religious, and my two youngest sons were thrown into unfamiliar territory, bombarding me with questions. As I tried to answer, it dawned on me that the traditional answers didn't quite align with my evolving understanding of spirituality.

You see, I grew up in the Catholic faith but early on started questioning the doctrines and recitals. This led me to explore various religions, seeking a raw, humble connection to the spiritual side of our being. As I delved into the nature of energy, the intricacies of creation, and the concept of an intelligent creator, I couldn't help but wonder—why do we constantly question our worth?

We often get lost in self-doubts and insecurities, overshadowing the fact that we are miraculous creations. We carry the weight of societal expectations, trying to be someone we're not, failing to recognize the gift of creation that is us—unique, varied, and inherently worthy.

So, let's take a moment each day to appreciate the gift of being ourselves, acknowledging and cherishing our inherent worth. We are incredible, complex, and unique creations, capable of more than we believe. It's time to break free from the shackles of self-doubt and embrace our true selves.

Our imperfections, quirks, and uniqueness are not deficiencies but unique attributes that contribute to our individuality. In a world that often highlights flaws, it's crucial to remember that we are always a work of art in progress—a puzzle of self-discovery.

The following are some practical tips to help you cultivate the art of self appreciation.

  1. Self-Reflection: Dedicate time to introspection regularly. The Daily Stoic, with meditations from great philosophers, is a timeless tool for self-reflection.
  2. Gratitude Practice: Cultivate a daily practice of gratitude. Shift your focus from scarcity to abundance by acknowledging and expressing gratitude for the qualities, experiences, and people in your life.
  3. Embrace Imperfection: Understand that perfection is an illusion. Your quirks, scars, and idiosyncrasies are unique attributes that make you who you are.
  4. Set Healthy Boundaries: Saying 'no' when necessary is an act of self-love. Treat yourself with the same kindness and compassion you would offer a close friend.
  5. Connect with Others: Seek connection with those who uplift and support you. Share your thoughts and experiences, opening up to vulnerability as a way to connect.
  6. Passion and Creativity: Make time for activities and hobbies that ignite your passion and creativity. Engaging in what you love taps into your true self and brings pure joy.
  7. Set Aligned Goals: Set goals aligned with your values and aspirations. Working toward these goals provides a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Upon acknowledging the existence of a creator, make this creator your reference point. It's not about adopting a religious belief but understanding and appreciating the divine intelligence that has crafted us. Each of us has a unique set of attributes, a manifestation of the creator's intelligence, woven into our being.

This shift in perspective—from self-doubt to self-appreciation—forms the foundation for newfound self-worth and purpose. Understanding our worth empowers us to extend the same understanding to others, fostering unity, empathy, and compassion in a more harmonious and inclusive world.

So, let's go out and cherish the gift that is us, in this life we've been given. Embrace your quirks, celebrate your uniqueness, and embark on a lifelong journey of self-discovery and growth. You are a remarkable creation of the universe, and now is your time to shine.